Which got me thinking, how would we have solved this problem without someone like that to help us? I wasn’t taught anything about low level programming at university past the fact that it existed, they were too busy teaching me how to make polymorphic C classes and why I should never use arrays over vectors. It wasn’t even an option on the software engineering course, but as we all know, things go wrong, and eventually someone’s still got to know how to communicate with the computer at the lowest levels, especially when programming embedded systems. I can’t help but wonder where the next generation of assembly language programmers are going to come from, now that assembly language isn’t fashionable any more. After all, it is not like assembly is just some obsolete language like Cobol we can happily discard.
If this post as piqued your interest, go check out http://www.monroeccc.edu/ckelly/EASy68K.htm - I really should, but you know, there’s still so much more C++ I need to learn :)