Friday, February 20, 2009

Stardock Fences - Best desktop enhancement ever?

I remember when Yahoo Widgets (then Konfabulator) came onto the scene and suddenly all my geeky friends were plastering their desktops in weather forecast meters, network monitors and other such oh-so-useful little windows. Of course I was eager to try this for myself, but actually ended up uninstalling the whole thing because, well things were just not tidy. I am the kind of person that has a lot of icons on their desktop and they would get obscured behind widgets or tidy themselves away behind them.

Well, those champions of the custom desktop, Stardock Software have solved the problem. Fences, a new free program just released is the answer to your messy desktop related prayers. Now you can create little fances, or mini-desktops on your desktop. Stick your icons inside a fence and they won't go astray under any of the other clutter, er I mean useful desktop widgets, that you already have running. Such a wonderfully simple idea that it's remarkable nobody thought of it sooner. In fact, I'm told that the KDE 4 dekstop has a similar system. Linux doing a user interface better than Windows? Whatever next (I'm just kidding Linux fans, please do not flame me).

Have a look for yourself It's still in Beta at the moment but seems pretty stable.

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